Hello, world!

By me

Welcome to CloudView! See how all CSS and JS dependencies are automatically sorted out!

CSplit is as easy as it gets!

By me

CSplit arranges objects horizontally in whatever ammount or proportion you want!

Here's the source, 99% PHP

Hassle free! fully reusable! easily extendable!

//This is a demostration of CloudView. Keep in mind this is
//pre-alpha software: bugs and glitches are to be expected.

require_once ('CloudView/CView.php');
require_once ('CloudView/CContainer.php');
require_once ('CloudView/CURL.php');
require_once ('CloudView/CImage.php');
require_once ('CloudView/CHeader.php');
require_once ('CloudView/CMessageBox.php');
require_once ('CloudView/CSplit.php');

* This is the only configuration necesary: just tell
* CView the path to your public folder (or wherever your
* css, img and js folders are located).
* CView will look for css files like CContainer.css or
* CURL.css automatically. This allows you, the developer,
* to design your pages in small controlled sections.
CView::$ROOT = '/home/groups/c/cl/cloudview/htdocs/public/';
CView::$URL_ROOT = 'http://cloudview.sourceforge.net/public/';

//first, create a header for our page. And create an image while we're at it.
$header = new CHeader();
$header->get_header()->contents = new CImage(CView::$URL_ROOT.'img/cloudview_medium_white.png', 'CloudView');

//then also create some urls for our navigation bar.
$home = new CURL('index.php', "Home");
$forge = new CURL('https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloudview/', "SourceForge");
$code = new CURL('http://cloudview.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/cloudview/', "Get Source");
$demo = new CURL('demo.php', "View Demo");

//Add the urls to the navigation bar.
$nav = $header->get_navigation_bar();

//Lets set home as the current page
$nav->current_item = $demo;

//... then create a few posts
$post1 = new CMessageBox();
$post1->title = "Hello, world!";
$post1->sub_title = "By me";
$post1->contents = "Welcome to CloudView! See how all CSS and JS dependencies are automatically sorted out!";

$post2 = new CMessageBox();
$post2->title = "CSplit is as easy as it gets!";
$post2->sub_title = "By me";
$post2->contents = "

CSplit arranges objects horizontally in whatever ammount or proportion you want!


//now to arrange our posts horizontally...
$split_screen = new CSplit();
$split_screen->add_component($post1, 30);
$split_screen->add_component($post2, 30);

//Now let's put it all together!
$page = new CContainer();
//I want to put a blue background, so lets make this one white:
$page->css_options['background'] = "#fff";

//Post the source by the side, but first, lets get the source first.
$source_code = file_get_contents("source.txt");
$page2 = new CMessageBox();
$page2->title = "Here's the source, 99% PHP";
$page2->sub_title = "Hassle free! fully reusable! easily extendable!";
$page2->contents = $source_code;
//Code is best displayed monospaced, quick-fixes like these can
//easily be done by altering the css a little.
$page2->css_options['font-family']= "monospace";

//One last CSplit
$final_page = new CSplit();
$final_page->title = "Welcome to CloudView";
$final_page->add_component($page, 40);
$final_page->add_component($page2, 50);

$final_page->css_options['min-width'] = "1200px";
//Lastly, lets inject some css to make the body a nice blue:
$final_page->add_stylesheet("body{background: #686fff;}", false);

//Time to show it to the world!
echo $final_page->htmldoc();