
Easy web user interface with CloudView.

CloudView is to php what swing is to java: User interfaces in a snap. No more templates, no more ugly php code mixed with html. No more struggling to remember what css class is this or that div called, or what js files you were using for a particular piece of content.

You heard it right, CloudView remembers all that for you. Instead of worrying about how things will end looking like while doing your server-side programming, you can worry about both problems separatedly.

How is this done? You create a CloudView class and tell it what it needs to know, done. CloudView makes use of convention over configuration, and only requires a minimal set of settings to function.

This is pre-alpha software, and there is still some ways to go. But if this page picked your interest, check out the View Demo page. If you feel like getting involved, head to our SourceForge page.

Works with everything.

CloudView uses a very simple infrastructure.

There are merely 3 core classes that make CloudView possible: the superclass, CView; the vertical container, CContainer; and the horizontal container, CSplit. With these three classes that span no more than 500 lines of code, you can build reusable classes that can make any site you can imagine, hassle free!

This way it takes litle configuration to get CloudView to work with just about any MVC Framework. What's more, it also works to make simple pages with little effort.